IV Drip Therapy is an effective way to deliver vital nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system & accelerating both effectiveness & absorption. Our carefully curated menu of preservative free IV drips addresses the root causes of common concerns — fatigue, lack of focus, stress, weakened immunity& skin issues.

Individual drips include:

Be Lean Drip- Designed to help burn fat and boost metabolism, harnessing the benefits of B vitamins to raise energy levels and support a healthy metabolism. Client must be in good overall health with no kidney/liver or cardiac issues.

Inner Beauty Drip- Designed to help bring out radiance and natural glow, this kit includes premium-quality compounds to fortify hair, skin and nails, reduce wrinkles and quench skin from the inside out. Client must be in good overall health with no kidney/liver or cardiac issues.

Overall Wellness & Performance Drip- Whether you’re a marathoner or weekend golfer, our drip fortified with amino acids and vitamin complexes will have you performing at your optimal level. Helping to shorten the time of recovery after an injury and improve athletic ability. Client must be in good overall health with no kidney/liver or cardiac issues.

Recovery (Myer’s Cocktail) Drip- Whether it’s a pre-emptive drip before you go out or a morning-after solution, this formula is packed with B vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to replenish your body and help detox your liver. Client must be in good overall health with no kidney/liver or cardiac issues.

Feeling 22 Aesthetics Services IV hydration


IV Drip Therapy and IV Hydration is a method of therapy that delivers fluids with key nutrients directly into the bloodstream through vein access.  It is used to administer hydration via electrolytes, minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to patients quickly.  This therapy method is not only used to treat a wide array of health issues but is also utilized for beauty and overall fitness reasons as well.  IV therapy provides a means of delivery that allows the body to get the most out of the nutrients administered in the most efficacious way. 


During treatment, your provider will insert an IV line, which will then be attached to a bag of fluid with applicable nutrients/vitamins.  The process will then deliver fluids safely & directly into your bloodstream.


Patients report minimal pain and discomfort while the IV is being placed.  Once the IV fluids are started, the infusion can take anywhere from 30-90 minutes, depending on the combination of nutrients you’re receiving.  During this time you may sit back and catch a nap, scroll socials, or read a book.  There is no downtime following the treatment and you may return to normal activity immediately.



  • Nutrients orally ingested are processed and broken down by the digestive system, which can diminish the quality and amount of nutrients your body is absorbing by up to 50%. When delivered via IV route, up to 100% absorption may be possible, as the nutrients are immediately available in your bloodstream for maximum benefit.

  • IV therapy treatments are usually relatively quick, taking anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes depending on the specific treatment being administered.

  • IV therapy is customized to meet your specific needs/goals. We can discuss your options during your consult to determine which treatment is best suited for you.

  • Your provider will recommend a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Many clients have IV therapy weekly to feel revitalized and meet their individual wellness goals.

  • Yes, you may resume all normal activities immediately following the infusion.